32 results total, viewing 1 - 25
   It's kind of crazy to think that the 2024 Major League Baseball Season is already half over. The Midsummer Classic is right around the corner and the All-Star Rosters were announced on … more
   To me, there isn't anything quite like going to a Major League Baseball game. Grabbing a cold drink and a hot dog while watching the best players in the world is a truly remarkable … more
      So many times folks who don't watch golf on TV have explained to me that it's simply too boring. Generally, crowds only get loud at PGA Tour events on Sundays when the … more
Secretary Pate encourages 17- and 18-year-olds to register to vote on Statewide High School Voter Registration Day February 13   Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate today announced … more
Have you ever thought about the notion that, at times, it is the anticipation for something that makes it so spectacular? The build-up for a high schooler to attend prom, the countdown to Christmas, … more
Q: What opportunities does your office have for college-age students? A: No matter the job, nothing compares to real life work experience. Whether waiting tables, starting an IV in a patient or … more
Opposition to carbon capture pipelines is broadening- according to Tammy Kobza, spokesman for a coalition of midwestern entities touting the protection of property rights and opposition to proposed … more
From 1776, July 4th, also known as Independence Day has been celebrated throughout the United States. In 1941, July 4th was designated as an official Federal Holiday. John Adams wrote to his wife … more
This time of year, there always seems to be enjoyable opportunities to listen to live music in the area. Whether it’s the Emmetsburg Municipal Band, Live After Six, or 4th of July performances, … more
On January 1, 1863 in the middle of the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The decree stated that all persons held as slaves within the rebellious … more
There are anywhere between 260-264 week days in a year, and 104 weekend days in the year. If your mentality is to only enjoy your life in full on the weekends, I’m here to provide you with the … more
For the last two weeks the word compromise has been in the political news. This exercise gets two differing individuals, organizations or political parties to common ground and a mutual agreement. … more
This time of year, people are out on the lakes again. If you have jumped in the lake or dipped your toes into the water, you may be surprised by the chill. It still feels new to us at the very … more
As many high school and college seniors have recently come away from their schools as alumni, I have pondered the influence and deeper meaning of roots. Whether we admit to liking our time in school … more
The Iowa Legislature passed Senate File 542 before ending the session earlier this month. This is the bill that will weaken Iowa’s Child Labor Laws. The governor has expressed support for the … more
I started hearing mention of the tensions regarding a contract between the WGA, or Writers Guild of America, and several television and streaming services. Looking into it more as May rolled around, … more
During Iowa’s legislative session this year, there have been various bills that have confused citizens. They are often left scratching their heads and wondering, what is that for? One that is … more
On Monday, the world found out about the passing of Dancing with the Stars judge, Len Goodman, age 78. Goodman was an English professional ballroom dancer, a dance teacher, and a dance competition … more
At a Celebration of Life Sunday afternoon for a 20-year-old student from the University of Iowa, a new title defined her battle with depression. The minister asked those present to refer to mental … more
Gabby didn’t consider herself a vain person. She liked doing her hair and wearing nice clothes, but that didn’t really make her vain, did it? Angela seemed to think it did. She’d … more
This week’s column has been passed to Katie Nelson. She is the Emmetsburg High School Senior that finished her classes for graduation early and has been interning at the Reporter-Democrat. Her … more
The Enneagram Personality Test is a description of the human psyche that allows one to better understand their tendencies and ultimately better the way one works with others. By identifying oneself … more
Last Wednesday was the Preschool Open House at West Elementary. Parents and their children visited classrooms. There were fun activities for the young ones while the parents visited with teachers. … more
Maya didn’t quite know what to do with her free time today. Jake was at a friend’s house, and her mom was out of town on business. Spring break wasn’t going to end for several more … more
One of the global celebrations that receives little fanfare each year on March 8 is International Women’s Day. It is a United Nation’s sanctioned global holiday. It celebrates the … more
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